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Southern Highlands
Koala Room

A welcoming environment for parents and children

We understand that it can be an extremely difficult time leaving your little one in care. Therefore, it is our aim to work with you to ensure this time poses little stress on you and your gorgeous child, and to ultimately create a sense of trust so that you feel happy and comfortable with the care provided at Best Kidz SHL.

In our Koala room, our carers work alongside parents to ensure your 0-2 year old child’s routine is maintained, and as such, we offer a welcoming atmosphere where we encourage parents to return throughout the day, so they can breast or bottle feed their child, or simply spend time with their child at the centre.

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Celebrating each child’s individuality

As your child’s educators, we pride ourselves on catering to every child’s individual interests and needs, as we know your child will be eager to learn and discover in an environment that is rich with opportunities, and as such, we ensure our program is centred on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the 5 outcomes of this Framework.

Our qualified educators help to encourage your child’s development in all areas by planning activities/experiences specifically for your child. Their development is observed, documented and followed up, and is available for you to view through your child’s portfolio, daily program and evaluations. All families also receive a beautiful individual learning journal as a keepsake at the end of each year.

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Learning through play is natural for children

In the Koala room our routine is spontaneous depending on the needs of the children on particular days. Our day generally consists of art/craft activities which exposes the children to different textures and concepts, allowing them to express their natural creativity. We encourage small group times where children can enjoy a story, and offer opportunities to learn short rhymes and finger plays, encouraging language development.

At Best Kidz SHL, we are extremely fortunate to be working with a professional music teacher who attends the centre on a fortnightly basis to undertake music lessons with the children in small groups. Our babies also enjoy a good balance of indoor and outdoor play where we encourage the children to develop a wide range of skills through exploration.

Our meal times are relaxed, and we aim to spend these times together as a group to encourage social skills, however this depends on individual routines. Our aim for your child is to build a secure and loving relationship with their carers, enjoy a variety of age appropriate experiences, and to learn and develop in a supportive environment.

Best Kidz Southern Highlands

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