About Us
At Best Kidz ELC we value “The whole child”. That is, all children are encouraged to make choices and co-construct their learning, to promote the development of independence, confidence and self-help skills.
We believe that children should be encouraged and facilitated to have a strong sense of identity; be connected with and contribute to their world; have a strong sense of wellbeing; be confident and involved learners; and to become effective communicators. As such, we program for the needs of each individual child with staff that are qualified, experienced and passionate educators who are exposed to continual professional development. Staff will also act in the best interests of our stakeholders, and make wise moral decisions that reflect the Early Childhood Code of Ethics.
At Best Kidz Early Learning Centre we believe, and take pride, in acknowledging the original custodians of the land, the Dharawhal people and their language, and all the Torres Strait islander people in the community.

Learning to value ourselves and others
At Best Kidz ELC we believe that every member of our community, including children, parents and staff, are all unique and valued individuals, who must be respected and accepted for their individual differences. To adhere to such practices, we implement and provide a program based on the principles outlined in the NSW curriculum The Early Years Learning Framework, “Belonging, Being & Becoming”.
We achieve this by providing a loving, healthy, stable and secure environment, where all children will be encouraged to develop to their full potential.​

Growth and discovery in tune with our environment
At Best Kidz ELC we believe in providing opportunities for every child to discover and learn, in an environment that encompasses and embeds sustainability practices in our daily routine. That is, all children will learn to respect all living things and the environment, by taking an active role in caring for our surroundings and contributing to our centre’s sustainable practices. 

Furthermore, we believe it is paramount to combine a child’s natural love of the outdoors while instilling an appreciation and respect for our natural surroundings, to ensure such practices are carried out beyond our centre.

Integrating growth with family engagement
At Best Kidz ELC we acknowledge the link between home and child care as an essential component of your child’s day, and therefore we value and encourage all family involvement.
We believe that families and the community are a child’s first and most influential teachers, and as a result, we encourage all families to take part in our centre and the community that is us. Together, with family involvement, we support all children’s interests, and nurture our relationships with families based on open communication and a reciprocated respect.